Below is a list of recipients by year. Click on the link to expand the list.
2021 Grant Recipients
With Covid19 still present in 2021 we continued to have fewer applications and no events.
We didn’t have government funding but we did award scholarships to the local High Schools. We continue to look forward to a brighter future in 2022 and the return of our usual roster of applicants and events and festivals that we can support.
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Vocal and Instrumental:
Ben Dunnill
Annie Lu
2020 Grant Recipients
Due to Covid19 2020 was an unusual year for us and we did not receive many applications.
The Surrey Jazz Festival did not take place nor did we have government funding and did not award scholarships to the local High Schools. We look forward to a brighter future in 2021 however and the return of our usual roster of applicants and events and festivals that we can support.
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Vocal and Instrumental:
Ben Dunnill
Annie Lu
2019 Grant Recipients
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Visual Arts:
Kasia Lajlo
Vocal and Instrumental:
Ben Dunnill
Uma Kaler
Julie Lin
Eden Stasiuk
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Carys Danton
2018 Grant Recipients
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Visual Arts:
Annabelle Dielemann
Vocal and Instrumental:
Marina Alexander
Ben Dunnill
Mireille Perez
Eden Stasiuk
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Kyle Han
Semiahmoo Secondary Scholarship:
Vannan Tao
Elgin Park Secondary Scholarship:
Taylor Harrision
2017 Grant Recipients
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Musical Theatre:
McKenzie Claus
Visual Arts:
Kasia Lajlo
Vocal and Instrumental:
Emily Carlsen
Ava Carich
Ben Dunnill
Mireille Perez
Eden Stasiuk
Richard Tichelman
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Daniel Kim
Semiahmoo Secondary Scholarship:
Annie Lu
Earl Marriott Secondary Scholarship:
Clara Weins
2016 Grant Recipients
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Musical Theatre:
McKenzie Claus
Visual Arts:
Kasia Lajlo
Vocal and Instrumental:
Josh Bogert
Ava Carich
Brianne Finn-Morris (City of White Rock Award)
Alanna Finn-Morris (City of White Rock Award)
Richard Tichelman
Music Composition and Instrumental:
Jonathan Bogert
Daniel Kim
Julie Lin (Nadia Pona Award)
Kelly Chan
Annie Lu
Max Zhang
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Daniel Kim
2015 Grant Recipients
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
Sunny Chan
Brianne Finn-Morris (City of White Rock Award)
Alanna Finn-Morris (City of White Rock Award)
Jodi-Ann Wang
Aidan Wong (Nadia Pona Award)
Surrey Jazz Festival Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Annie Lu
2014 Grant Recipients

Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Semiahmoo Music Society
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Surrey Youth Theatre Co.
White Rock Children’s Choir
Travis Clifford
Jake Hildebrand

Sunny Chan
Michael Cumblidge
Brianne Finn-Morris (Peninsula Community Foundation Award)
Alanna Finn-Morris (Peninsula Community Foundation Award)
William Horning
Chelsea Isherwood
Kasia Lajlo
Brandon Lin
Grace Lin (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Kyu Young Park (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Dustin Sigouin
Jodi-Ann Ward
Ian Weiss
Aidan Wong (City of White Rock Award)
Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Scott Jang
2013 Grant Recipients

Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Speech Arts Festival
Semiahmoo House Society
Semiahmoo Music Society
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Jake Hildebrand
Anna Theodosakis

Ariana Hurt
Chelsea Isherwood
Brandon Lin
Kyu Young Park (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Nadia Pona
Andrea Rada (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Jeremy Sheeshka
Sunny Shih
Dustin Sigouin (City of White Rock Award)
Aidan Wong
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Vivian Jin
2012 Grant Recipients

Peninsula Productions
Semiahmoo House Society
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Media / Visual Arts:
Gigi Saul Guerrero
Leira Zamfirescu
Sunny Chan

William Horning
Chelsea Isherwood
Hee-Soo Yoon (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Olivia Cai (City of White Rock Award)
Kitty Chan (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Cheyenne Christopherson
Sunny Shih
Surrey Jazz Festival – Lorna Graham Memorial Scholarship:
Sam Kim
2011 Grant Recipients
Harmony Expressive Arts
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Peninsula Productions
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society – Lance Ryan Award
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Media / Visual Arts:
Gigi Saul Guerrero – Linda Klitch Memorial Award
Krista McMillan
Evan Roche
Rachel Tilcock
Renee Jendral – CIty of White Rock Award
Roberta McMorran-Roberts
Sunny Chan
Jannnie Yu Chien – White Rock Chamber Music Award
Abby David
Marshal Herridge
Brian Kang
Ruth Francis Lyster
Karan Mattu
James Meger
John St. Clair Nicholson
Nadia Pona
Trevor Peverley
Kierah Raymond – White Rock Chamber Music Award
Aiden Wong
Hee-Soo Yoon
Ania Zarzycki
Kitty Chan
Cheyenne Christopherson
Christina Lo
Cheyenne Kirsten Voth
Tessa Michelle Voth
Cissy Yuan – White Rock Chamber Music Award
2010 Grant Recipients
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Media / Visual Arts:
Alex Boiesan
Gigi Saul Guerrero
Geoff Manton
Julia Pendleton-Knoll
Evan Roche
Kelsey Hooper
Renee Jendral
Roberta McMorran-Roberts
Sunny Chan
Michael Cumblidge
Chelsea Isherwood
Grady Kell
Ira Kones
James Meger
Nadia Pona
Jeremy Sheeshka
Jerry Shih
Aiden Wong
Ania Zarzycki
Tristan Chalcraft
Kay Hung
Christina Lo
Giovanno Sutjiade
Kevin Thomson
Theatre Arts:
Ginny Dunnill
Amanda Fell
Sari Mercer
McKye Hildebrand
Miriah Reitmeier
2009 Grant Recipients
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Kiwanis Fraser Valley International Music Festival
Media / Visual Arts:
Alex Boiesan
Geoff Manton
Julia Pendleton-Knoll
Laura Avery
Julia Bazso
Suzanne Bazso
Kylie Doobenen
Maya Klassen
Kate Evans
Michael Cumblidge
Dave Ison
Grady Kell
Ira Kones
Kyaelim Kwon
James Meger
Carlo Mui
John Nicholson
Jeremy Sheeshka
Joel Thomson
Hee Won Yoon
Ania Zarzycki
Kenneth Goh (City of White Rock Award)
Ian Weiss (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Devin Godfrey
Nadia Pona
Caleb Robinson
Kevin Thomson
Kay Hung (White Rock ChamberMusic Society Award)
Theatre Arts:
Christa Hanson
Amie Pendleton-Knoll
Seren Pendleton-Knoll
Emma Rendell
Ginny Dunnill (Lance Ryan Award)
Sabrielle McCurdy Foreman (City of White Rock Award)
McKye Hildebrand
Ainsley MacCallum
2008 Grant Recipients
Semiahmoo Strings
Surrey Choral Arts Project Society
Young People’s Theatre Co. of Surrey
Media / Visual Arts:
Katie Tennant Horning
Katie Hulbert
Alex Boiesan (City of White Rock Award)
Laura Avery
Susanne Bazso
Kylie Doobenen
Kelsey Hooper
Renee Jendral
Maya Klassen
Roberta McMorran-Rodgers
CHanelle Samuel
Danielle Walkow
Emma Avery (White Rock Youth Ambassadors Award)
Elissa Hanson (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Aida-Maria Boiesan
Michael Cumblidge
Sean Hayden
Dave Ison
James Meger
Julia Pendleton-Knoll
Nadia Pona
Jerry Shih
Joel Thomson
Jeremy Sheeshka
Katherine Graff (RBC Foundation Award)
Kyaelim Kwon (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Ruby Chung
Kay Hung
Caleb Robinson
Geoffrey Thomson
Kevin Thomson
Karen Wan (White Rock Chamber Music Society Award)
Theatre Arts:
Christa Hanson
McKye Hildebrand
Sabrielle McCurdy Foreman
Janco Mynhardt
Seren Pendleton-Knoll
Emme Rendell
Courtney Shields
Ginny Dunnill (White Rock Youth Ambassadors Award)
Colleen Donnelly
Jennifer Helman
Miriah Reitmeier
Desiree Tremblay
Polina Bolshakova (Lance Ryan Bursary)